Noble Sanchezia

Noble Sanchezia
 The name of the genus Sanchezia acanthus family was in honor of the Spanish botanist Juan Sanchez. This beautiful plant is still very rare in offices and apartments, although it can serve any decor thanks to the bright color of the leaves and its pretty impressive size. After just two years, a small sapling can turn into a major outdoor plant.
 Rhode Sanchezia includes about sixty species of herbs and shrubs, but usually growers grow Sanchezia noble, which was brought to Europe from Ecuador. It has dark green leaves with golden-yellow stripes along the veins, reaching thirty centimeters in length and ten - wide.

Sanchezia also has a fairly large flowers (up to five inches in length). Yellow flowers are collected in spike-like inflorescences, but they are not very decorative, so it is best to cut the shoots in early spring to prevent flowering, especially as aging shoots lose their leaves almost completely. In addition, pruning and pinching will form a spectacular bushy plant. If the crop does not produce, then Sanchezia quickly expels long shoots and leaves lose.

The basic conditions for keeping Sanchezia - lots of light. The rest of the plant is unpretentious.

Water the flower is quite common and abundant in the summer, as overdrying lead to leaf fall. However, as there should be no stagnant water in a pot. To prevent this, before boarding Punch holes in the bottom of the container and pour a high drainage layer of gravel or expanded clay.

In winter, watering is reduced, but regularly spray the leaves with water. Watering use warm boiled water.

During active growth Sanchezia fertilize twice a month. For this alternate solution fertilizer and mullein. Please note that all fertilizers are applied only after watering

Sanchezia propagated by cuttings, which are available in large numbers in the spring, making the crop plants. They are very easy to root in a mixture of river sand and peat. After three or four weeks rooted cuttings can be planted to a permanent place in a pot with soil nutrient consisting of two parts leaf humus, one part peat, one part of the river sand.

Tags: Sanchezia