Arriving at work, do not rush frantically pulled hard on a bunch of cases and panic. Calmly analyze the entire scope of work and write a detailed plan. Urgent business, store in the top of the list, and important, but not requiring urgent execution aside.
After each hour of work do a ten-minute rest, walk, if you can - take a walk in the fresh air, "clear my head" or simply have a cup of strong tea.
At lunchtime do not need to stay in the workplace, in one hour you heaps still do not understand, only more tired. Go to a coffee shop, dine. Well, if it is in your diet will present products that contain natural anti-depressants - is buckwheat, apples, nuts, seaweed, herbs and bananas, and to raise the tone drink green tea. The main thing - do not overeat, or drowsiness in the afternoon is provided to you.
Try in the first days quietly set up to work, do not waste time on extraneous conversations and frequent smoke breaks. On the Internet lead only business correspondence, without being distracted by social networking and other entertainment sites, they relax and take up too much time, moreover, we should not forget that the vacation is over and work to work. The faster you set yourself to "business wave", the easier it will be to cope with the mass of cases accumulated during the holidays. Try to find in all its pluses and working weekdays you will no longer seem so dull and joyless.