This kind of tourism is based on the desire to relax closely acquainted with the authentic life of the various peoples. He meant by living in a different cultural environment, familiarity with traditional dishes, holidays, folk costumes.
Choosing a place for ethnographic tourism depends on your location, financial possibilities and ambitions. Ethnographic objects for all tastes are located in Russia, in nearly every region. This contributed to a multinational country. There are a variety of ethnographic objects in other states. To understand more, what are the ethnographic objects, you can study them more closely.
In the Perm region, there is architectural and ethnographic complex "Khokhlovka." Unusual wooden town is located on a beautiful high promontory. In Khokhlovka there are 23 unique monument of the late 17th - early 20th century. 35 hectares of the museum are divided into sectors symbolizing various cultural and ethnographic areas of the Perm Territory: Northern Kama, Kama and Southern Permian Komi sector.
One sector introduces you to the living environment of the hut, as well as an exhibition of folk painting. The second shows the farmhouses of 19-20 centuries. In the third largest wooden church stands, transported here from a distant village. Also there you can see the bell tower, hunting tent cabin, barns and a mill with salt plant.
Come better this complex on holidays: in the Trinity, Apple Spas, Shrove Tuesday. Active holiday season from late May to early October.
At the other end of the country, in the Krasnodar region, is no less interesting park "Dobrodeya" acquainting visitors with the life of the Kuban Cossacks. In the same region, the Armenian Center "Arin-Berd" introduces you to the culture of one of the largest Armenian diaspora in Kuban.
In Chukotka, you can visit the home of reindeer herders, having joined temporarily in their culture, to get used to the unusual Chukchi life.
In the world of home to around 7,000 people, about 150 of them live in Russia. Each of them is unique and surprising. Options, where you can enjoy a myriad of ethnic tourism and it is unlikely to get bored lesson to those who already knew him.