Tunisia: African mystery

Tunisia: African mystery
 Tunisia was created for those who are quick to collect the suitcase and loves unplanned trip. Relax on the shores of the Mediterranean is full of comfort and light exotic. Visit the amazing African country can not obtain a visa.
 A trip to Tunisia is filled with adventure, here is an amazing combination of exotic European civilization. Visit the temple of El Jem, which is still preserved majestic theater. One and a half thousand years ago in the arena of the amphitheater held chariot racing, organized noisy town meetings, to find out which political and social issues. Now arrange the largest symphonic concerts, as these walls have kept impeccable acoustics.

Dawn can be found near the salt lakes at the foot of the Atlas Mountains. Salt can take with you, it is good to use at home, for example, for spa treatments. Along the way, is to call in the oasis-like rare mirages in the desert. Everywhere white sand, and fruit are figs, olives and pomegranates, birds are singing, the grass grows.

It makes sense to visit the famous Phoenician settlement - Carthage, to feel the special atmosphere of antiquity. Here are stored monuments of different eras: the remains of the temples of the goddess Tanit, Baths of Antoninus gladiator arena and others. Each of them is a reminder of a time when there was no civilization and everything was built with the help of available funds.

Experience the flavor of the eastern cities a variety of ways, one of which is an evening walk through the streets of Sousse, at this time of day, you can fully enjoy the grandeur and beauty of the monastery-fortress Ribat Tower Kalef Al Fatah, which was built in 859. If you climb to the top, you can easily see all the greatness of the city, it extends, at a glance.

Delight and a great holiday by the sea with white sandy beaches, where you can ride on horses and camels, taste the local cuisine, watch the sunset. African Tunisia give unforgettable emotions and impressions for a long time.

Tags: travel, country, mystery