These rules apply to cash. Funds for the plastic card you can take in large quantities - no one will require you to information about how much money you have. Consider the Commission ATMs in the country where you go - usually 3-5% of the withdrawal amount, but in each bank, this value can be different. In any case advantageous to remove large amounts of money, then the fee will be less. Take into account the possible situation where the credit card will not accept a number of reasons, it may or ATM "jammed".
Cash is also useful - to pay for a trip to the public transport or taxi, buy a phone card, etc. Change rubles for dollars or euros better at home. As a rule, the difference courses abroad and in Russia can be substantial, therefore Calculate the possible risks in advance. Consider the work of foreign banks - often on weekends or in the evening to exchange money is simply nowhere. If you are used to keep money in the currency, it is more convenient to use the cross-rate, exchange them for other currencies, bypassing the ruble.
Consider the economic situation in the country to which you are going to go. In the developed European countries is wiser to bring the euro in international resorts usually in the course of the euro and the dollar. Take the time to obtain the necessary information and find out which currency is worth.
Be cautious - the principal amount of money put on the card, but do not forget about cash flow, which should be enough to cover the running costs of small (small retail shops and restaurants prefer cash). In this case, it is more convenient to exchange cash for banknotes of various denominations - so you will avoid misunderstandings and quickly orient in the situation.