Start a relationship on holiday simply, relaxed and comfortable atmosphere contributes to this. Decide for yourself what to expect from vozniknuvshey passion? Natures incredibly romantic required languishing look, walk under the moon and passionate recognition. Some particularly on holiday romance is only necessary rampant and wild sex to which they would not dare with a regular partner. Many simply can not imagine vacation without random love. Each option is attractive in its own way. In this case, any one of them could easily develop into something deeper and more serious, and end wedding dress and a big happy family.
Holiday romance pleasant that it can be fleeting, and may be the love of your life. It's kind of a game whose rules are fixed by each of the partners. You must remember a few things: protection during sex, not too much to trust a man, do not rush into the pool with his head and not expected to continue. Everything else is not forbidden. It is with this the right approach possibly more, because men do not like attack on their personal space and bachelor life.
Change or not to change - the theme of personal and intimate, which depends on the education and moral principles. Therefore, it should be remembered that this gallant and charming, handsome can wait three young children and a wife in his hometown. It follows strict rule - do not count on the eternal love, then to not be excruciatingly painful to know the truth.
Follow all uncomplicated rules, in which case this cheerful and helpful gentleman might be your husband.