There are two main symptoms of angina - shortness of breath and pain. The appearance of shortness of breath during an attack because the heart can not pump blood, so that the body begins to lack of oxygen. Pain arises from the fact that damaged cardiac muscle tissue. The degree of pain each patient determines, in accordance with the personal pain threshold and the state of his nervous system.
Pain in angina burning, pressing or compression - it is localized behind the breastbone can be given in the left arm or shoulder, concentrating near the collarbone or in the upper abdomen. Pain can arise from stress, physical load, sometimes at night or after a heavy meal. At the same time there is a feeling of anxiety, the patient sits and looks comfortable position. Lightweight bout lasts no more than 5 minutes, and long been associated with increased risk of heart attack.
Relieve angina nitroglycerin - you need to put under the tongue one tablet. If the patient's condition does not improve, then you need to call an ambulance and take him to the hospital. Change in pressure in a fit of angina is not always, and it may increase or decrease. After the attack, the patient has a severe weakness, a few days he feels fatigue, sweating at night can disrupt digestion.