It is known that the lemon pulp contains citric acid (8%), which imparts even ripe fruit tastes sour, a small amount of malic acid, pectin, sucrose, glucose and fructose, and various volatile glycosides. And a certain amount of fiber.
The large amount of vitamins (vitamin C, B vitamins (B1, B2, B15), carotene, vitamins A, E, F, and trace elements (a large amount of potassium, cobalt, magnesium, manganese, sodium, sulfur, manganese, phosphorus and iron ) make lemon particularly useful in various diseases.
In lemon peel contains essential lemon oil, giving it a characteristic odor, flavonoids and large amounts of vitamin C. The pulp and rind of the lemon is used for medicinal purposes, as a folk medicine and traditional.
The most useful lemon fresh. Longer-lasting citrus valuable properties, it should be stored in the refrigerator, after wiping the surface with vegetable oil.
Lemon especially valuable for vitamins, primarily for vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, and flavonoids. These substances have a powerful antioxidant effect, prevents lipid peroxidation, helps to restore the function of organs and body systems.
A large number of trace elements give good support to the immune system and present in the citric acid have disinfectant effect, antipyretic, relax the muscular wall of the vessels, which improves circulation and relieves spasms.
Fresh lemon helps to cope with colds and viral respiratory infections, and is particularly necessary at a high temperature, hypovitaminosis, weakness and loss of strength. Citrus is also used orally for the treatment of hypertension, headaches, externally for tired legs. The easiest way to use the fruit - is to add it in slices of tea.
Widespread use of lemon found in cosmetic practice: as a skin lightening agent, remove freckles, enlarged pores contraction, strengthening hair and nails. Typically, fresh lemon juice is included in the masks for application to the skin, hair and nails. Less common lemon lemon juice is used for gargling and teeth whitening.
Lemon can be consumed on a daily basis, but it should be noted that his sour juice can irritate the stomach lining. Therefore, it takes a tea or a mixture of honey, composed multifruit sauces and juices.