Use special shampoos and hair care products. Do firming mask, rinse hair herbal infusions.
Massage the head when washing and use massage comb.
Do not abuse the means for stacking, minimizing the use of a hair dryer, curling iron, etc.
High tension hair is often the cause of their loss, so try to avoid it.
Pay particular attention to the way you comb your hair - every time combing is recommended to brush curls hundred times. To speed up the delivery of useful minerals to the roots, it is necessary to improve blood circulation - for this comb the hair in a circular motion from the temples to the crown and temples from his forehead and neck. Do zigzag motion.
All of the above is only a general, universal for all advice, but cause of the problem may lie in the disruption of the functioning of certain body systems, so it is best diagnosed by a doctor go trichologist who will prescribe the appropriate treatment.