Global problems, no doubt, make us think about eternal virtually the entire population of the Earth. However, some perceive it as someone else's misfortune, and often among teenagers find these not so simple. As you know, in this age, many girls and boys tend to maximize all, and for them a global tragedy - a special kick, the response to which may further have a significant impact on the character and destiny.
So, many teenagers to learn about the tragedy in Japan, decided to find alternative ways of energy production. Others, inspired by social rollers stop eating meat.
At the same time, it is the global problems often cause disputes among adolescents, anger and resentment. Our same trouble as adults that we are paying insufficient attention to the conversations on these topics with the youth. But children - our future, and even if some of them decide to look for alternative sources of energy and sparing use of nature to technology, many global problems can be avoided.
Such conscious children certainly inspire thoughts of global security for their children, they - his own, and after a few centuries, perhaps, we will come to a very different understanding of peace and respect for nature. Maybe things will change dramatically for the better? Maybe so, but for this to happen, you need to work hard today, and it must be done to us.