How to treat the diathesis folk remedies

How to treat the diathesis folk remedies
 Most often, children become ill diathesis at a very early age, when the medication is able to greatly harm the immune system. In this situation can be very useful handy folk treatments that are known here for generations.
 Every day for a month, let the kid egg flour (in small amounts), let it wash down with water, which was a decoction of dill. Egg flour is very easy to prepare: boiled egg cooked and cleaned from the shell. She cooked for two minutes, then remove the inner shell membrane and dried in a dry, dark place. After several days it is ground in a coffee grinder and the resulting powder was added little fresh lemon juice.

Can be treated with kid broth made from leafs. Take five to ten leaves and boil them a few minutes on low heat. To prepare a broth, add the crushed in a coffee grinder rosehips (a couple of teaspoons spoons). Insist prepared mixture for several hours, and then strain. Composition let your child every day before all meals one tablespoon for half a year. Broth can be used for disease prevention.

The diet must include plenty of cereals, boiled water without salt (they can be dressed with olive oil). Liquid child may be given only thirty minutes after eating.

Throughout the month, the child should bathe in herbal teas (alternate decoction of pine branches and turns). You can cook and "egg" water, the bay is well washed shell twenty brown eggs three liters of boiling water. Insist composition worth about a day and then rinse them after bathing baby.

Relieve itching and reduce the redness of the skin when diathesis help bath at room temperature, to which is added a decoction of chicory root. To make it, take five tablespoons of dry powdered roots and pour them five liters of boiling water. Infuse product must be two hours after it is boiled and filtered.

Diseased places must be lubricated with tar mixed with melted lard interior (in the ratio of one to one). Furthermore tar can be used Lassara paste or zinc ointment, which is mixed with the cream from whole milk, fresh egg protein, preferably egg from home.

If a child is exposed to diathesis and you know it, you can perform all of the recommendations and as prophylaxis.

Tags: a child agent diathesis treatment