How to treat pneumonia

How to treat pneumonia
 Treatment of pneumonia engaged generalists: family physicians, pediatricians and internists, and besides them - pulmonologists. The basis of the therapy - antibiotics desired group. They are selected by taking into consideration, primarily, as a causative agent for the disease. In addition, for a full recovery and minimize complications requires an appropriate diet and compliance with protective regime.

Inpatient treatment of pneumonia requires only in severe forms of the disease, but are similar to the requirements for hospital room and used for home treatment. This is a regular wet cleaning, airing daily and adherence to temperature and humidity. The patient should not often leave his bed, and his physical activity should be limited.

Gradually, as the improvement of the activity to be renewed. The efficiency of the person gets only 4 weeks after recovery. Physical stress would be contraindicated for another 2 weeks.


Diet during illness should not be limited. In contrast, the standard treatment of pneumonia provide nutritious food that meets the needs for energy and basic materials. But to provide a complete diet will be difficult, given the loss of appetite. Therefore, the patient should be fed often, small portions, offering favorite foods.

The only thing that should be limited in the diet - carbohydrates. They often cause fermentation processes in the gut, and high standing of the diaphragm makes it difficult to breath. The patient needs a rational drinking regime. Fluid intake will be above average, as the patient loses more moisture due to shortness of breath and temperature.


The basis of medical treatment for pneumonia account for antimicrobials. Choose antibiotics for pneumonia, based on the sensitivity of the pathogen it is not always possible - for proper analysis requires a large amount of time. Therefore preparation for the initial therapy is usually chosen empirically.

List of drugs commonly used in the treatment of pneumonia, is as follows (in descending frequency of use):

- Penicillins (both natural and semi-synthetic);
- Any of the four cephalosporins of generations;
- Macrolides;
- Aminoglycosides.

In some cases, using not one, but a combination of several antimicrobial agents simultaneously. Efficacy of the treatment was assessed after 48 hours after initiation of therapy. If the treatment was not effective, the antibiotic drug is replaced from an alternate group.

Treatment of complicated forms

Pneumonia is dangerous not only for its manifestations, as the threat of complications. That is why the task of doctors not only prevent pneumonia, but also the prevention of its complications. Each complication requires additional measures:

1. Respiratory failure. When it occurs to restore the normal conductivity of the bronchi using bronchodilators, and expectorants, and start oxygen therapy.

2. Cardiovascular disorders. In case of insufficient heart function justified the use of cardiac glycosides, as well as tools that improve the microcirculation.

3. Infectious and toxic complications require a massive infusion therapy, and intravenous corticosteroids.

Tags: pneumonia, treatment, prevention, standard