Genre crisis "Love"

Genre crisis "Love"
 Romantic period in the relationship quickly ends. And it begins to seem that love goes. Weekdays absorb life stuck and there is a crisis in the relationship. But you can try to keep love.

Before your spouse forced you tremble with passion from just one glance. Your relationship was full of pleasure. Intimate life was rich and exciting. Now when you look at your partner you want to yawn. Disorder in the sexual life of the spouses, as a rule, begins with everyday problems. Tired of household chores, job stress and other disorders we bring into the marriage bed. Forces on the sex just is not. From a partner, we are no longer waiting for something interesting. Everything becomes mundane and boring.

Great influence on the well-being in a relationship has a sex life. The key to long bonds is rich in the intimate sphere of two people. Do not neglect it. Remember your first date, look for a partner in a new way. May be worth you a little change. Change the image, hairstyle, clothing style. The changes will benefit not only the relationship, but also your self-esteem.

It is not necessary to re-prove their worth in bed, you know very well what he likes and what you need to do to give him maximum pleasure. Also a big plus is that you can not be afraid to undress in front of him, so he knows and accepts your figure with all the imaginary and the real disadvantages. You can easily decide themselves, in turn, offer sexual experiments man who knows where and confident. You can afford to be more relaxed and courageous, as it is close to you a man who loves and knows you.

Do not give up on intimacy with a partner. Do not turn it into another, remember that he was a wonderful lover. Find the strength to start a relationship again. Now a huge amount of literature for adults. There are specialty stores where you can choose something for themselves. Sex is a wonderful way to relax and relieve tension. Remember, as you very well together. Try to arrange a vacation, or even a romantic weekend. The crisis is in love all couples. The most important thing is not to lose their love because of time constraints.

Tags: marriage, love, crisis, difficulty