Novel in the distance - a risky business. It is very difficult to maintain an emotional connection, being far from the second half. On the other hand, the lovers are exposed to the opposite danger: excessive idealization partner. After all, apart recall only the good and the negative goes by the wayside. Thus, the real feelings of a man turning into a love of fictional characters. However, a reasonable approach and a willingness to forgive each other disadvantages will help build relationships in the future. Psychologists have even advised to exaggerate a little dignity partner to raise its profile.
Lovers conducting with each other a few days a month, usually try to fill that time with romance and tenderness. They appreciate the hours, minutes and even seconds spent together. Recognition, compliments, great sex - every meeting is like a first date. But I got used to such a scheme of relations, the couple may face difficulties in their life together. Everyday habits, which previously could close my eyes, a different rhythm of life, and often tastes diverge in everything can be reduced to no feelings. Therefore, deciding on such a relationship, try to learn more about his chosen one.
Another shortcoming of the novel in the distance - the longing and melancholy after separation. However, instead of spending the evening, looking at photos of a loved one and sad sigh, is to do with their lives. After all, this was not the last meeting, and to communicate with interesting, successful and positive person is much more pleasant. Education, work, hobbies, gatherings with friends - anything, just to cheer yourself up. After all, the opportunity to spend time on their own needs, not looking at the partner desiring a big plus of such relations.