Blind date. Pros and cons

Blind date. Pros and cons
 Risky, but nevertheless very popular all over the world a way to meet - a blind date. Pros and cons of such a meeting a wide variety, and if a person had made such a bold and important step, it must be fully prepared.
 In fact, this method of dating, like a blind date, not so bad. First of all, because it's pure excitement, adventure. And if the two of them made a general meeting friends, then surely these people are similar in some ways, and they will talk about.

Such a rendezvous can be carefully prepared, in asking mutual friends of the man with whom will be meeting to find out in advance what his character, which runs than interested, does in his spare time. After going on a date with a man, which has already heard something, which is familiar in absentia, undoubtedly much easier than with complete strangers.

As to the benefits of blind dates include ease and ease of conversation. You can talk about any trifles, their hobbies, common friends and interests. In this case, the conversation itself will be glued perfectly. This is especially true of those singles that began in some Internet chat and continued at a table in a cafe.

It is only important not to forget one small detail: do not start a talk about various heard somewhere gossip. No need to ask a friend about his personal life (after all, that's why she and personal). Even if you know about it the hottest gossip, it is better to pretend that just do not know or just do not believe in them. By the way, do not necessarily believe everything in a row. Blind date - an excellent opportunity to accept man as he really is. You never know who is saying what. Much more important is the preparation of his personal impressions of a person.

The downside of such visits may be unjustified expectations. Perhaps proving your imaginary "handsome prince" will not be as attractive, slim, young, smart, handsome, polite and generous as he painted himself, or what you imagine. May be disappointed in you. Well, a negative result - the same result. It is the latest date in your life.

Perhaps, in today's world very few people managed to avoid such a difficult and unusual way to explore how a blind date. Not easy, because will spend the entire evening with a stranger, which is necessary to try to charm, to which you want something to talk. But "nothing ventured, nothing gained," so those who are such a fate yet passed, probably should still try this method dating and experience these feelings personally myself.

Tags: date, method, learning method