What did we have not heard about the crisis of middle-aged men: and what he called, and as flows, and when it is - all laid out on shelves. And what about women? Yes, almost the same with the only difference being that it comes earlier and lasts longer.
Women no less than men, it is necessary at times to prove to themselves their attractiveness to the opposite sex. It promotes self-esteem, strengthen self-confidence, improves mood. All this together is very positive impact on women's health and prolongs youth at least subjectively.
The main condition here - not to be confused neither noncommittal flirtation with true love. The presence of this kind of hobbies has nothing to do with the fact whether the woman standing partner or not. She just need to keep yourself in good shape, and attract male attention in this case - a kind of analogue of the exercise.
Another reason for short-term bonds - an attempt to escape from the daily routine monotony of everyday life. House-child work, or home-work TV ... After three to five years of this life want any changes: plunge into romance, nothing to think, forget about the problems, feel free at last. That only flowers, champagne, theater and walk in the rain. Just remind yourself that life is not only a washing machine, kitchen and vanity of a despot-chief.
With her husband, even very favorite, is to realize it is not so simple. Is difficult to imagine it in something other than dressing gowns and slippers, hair thinned considerably longer, and corn beer not long in coming. In addition, times achieving women, men rarely repeated the ritual with her conquest of the same. At least, on its own initiative. But we just want to for the sake of our brave knights crossed swords in tournaments. Therefore it is very difficult to resist the temptation, when a man appears on the horizon, ready for us to feats.
And, of course, loneliness sometimes pushes women into the arms are not suitable men. No, we are always able almost at a glance to distinguish the good guys from the bad. And once you understand what the relationship may be the future, and which are doomed. But sometimes she wants to catch the tail ghostly bird of happiness and hold it for a while, at least for a few days. Therefore, we carefully turn a blind eye to the fact that we just do not want to see. Let it be just a week or two, but it is completely ours, without looking back. This short period of time is not difficult to cheat us - we are happy to be deceived. But, ultimately, it is also just a way to diversify life, nourish it with new emotions. Because deep down we fully understand what it has to end.