Picnic with a loved

Picnic with a loved
 Rest alone outdoors, leisurely conversation and welcome solitude - sometimes it's just what we need to get closer or refresh a longstanding relationship. Consider a picnic with a loved one in advance and in detail - then no surprises darken the joy of fellowship.

Tackle pondering the menu. You can cook all the ingredients for the sandwiches, pie and bake corporate pour into a thermos of coffee - a standard set for a picnic. But a picnic with your favorite man - it's also a romantic date. Let snacks are delicious and varied - canape sandwich, seafood (sushi rolls), mushrooms. Be sure to grab a bottle of good wine and dessert - strawberry, chocolate delicacies, fruit.

Traditionally, attacks on the nature recycle bin is used, where you can put all the supplies. To the dishes are not spoiled, take a cooler bag (there place and drinks). Do not forget to cutlery, especially wine glasses - plastic utensils leave to travel to the country with friends. A set of napkins, coverlet, a corkscrew, a couple of candles and red rose - are you ready for a picnic.

Organization of entertainment - especially individual case. Someone wants to soak up the sunshine, talk about the little things and enjoy each other's company. Other couples prefer leisure - combine a picnic with a game of badminton, roller skating or biking. Going to the shore of a lake or river, take a bathing suit and an inflatable mattress - there's nothing better on a hot day than a wiggle on the mattress, substituting the body a gentle breeze. By the way, be sure to keep mosquitoes and other unpleasant "neighbors" - grab insect repellant and a pair of warm sweater in case the evening chill.

Still, you may need a portable CD player to create a special atmosphere. Record your favorite songs, it is desirable to slow and romantic, or words of love to your chosen one - certainly unexpected confession touch his heart.

Approaches to joint favorite pastime with imaginatively and with a soul - he will appreciate your efforts, and then both of you are guaranteed a wonderful holiday.

Tags: recreation, picnic