This is a very hot topic in the discussion of which comes a lot of debate and discussion. How many people - so many opinions, so to give advice and to impose a point of view meaningless.
Modern women seek in no lag behind men: rising through the ranks to open their own business. Time itself remains, what to speak of romantic dating and serious relationships. Therefore, sex without commitment, many women today look a lot easier than before.
Of course, to suppress the natural instinct to dive headlong into the work - is not an option. So little time to get nervous breakdown, not to mention the diseases of the female body, arising due to lack of sex life, as well as all kinds of complexes, which would interfere in everyday life.
But this does not mean that you need to choose a partner with the first comer, or look for a man for one night in clubs and bars. Such relationships are fraught with considerable danger. First, you absolutely do not know what kind of man, and how it will behave in the next minute. And secondly, there is a good chance of contracting any disease, sexually transmitted. Because contraception can not provide 100% protection against all kinds of viruses. But there are situations when they fail, and pregnancy occurs. Therefore it is necessary as it should think about before you decide to have sex with a stranger.
Another thing, if you have a friend take on a man in mental and physical health that you believe and who himself is not against to have a relationship with you without obligation. The main thing that is not going to cut off your looks, and you have not experienced a sense of internal discomfort or embarrassment.
One advantage of such a relationship - the ability to stop them at any time and do not hear a word of reproach in his address. However, every woman secretly dreams about to be loved, jealous, sought, wants to be the only one. And if your partner will lead relationship with another woman, if you can safely take it?
Every woman should decide itself whether it can have such a relationship. In any case, we should say that casual sex should be only as an alternative, if you are not fortunate enough to meet a loved one.