Male bouquet should be strict, concise, composed of a small number of colors in the almost complete absence of decorative elements. It generally has an elongated, but in any case not a round shape and is made up of traditionally male flowers - irises, gladioli, etc., Warped tape. Bouquet shall consist of flowers with large buds blossoming or poluraspustivshimisya. If you want to give her lover smartly decorated with a bouquet instead of paper, film, crystals and other elements on the green. For example, it is appropriate to complement the colors fern or asparagus.
If you will be a romantic date with her lover, you can choose a bouquet that will not only present, but also enhance the passion of men. The fact that some plants - excellent aphrodisiac. For example, red or burgundy roses, which are appropriate to present men, due to its aroma can improve mood, as well as cause and enhance sexual desire. Fragrance of iris sometimes referred to as "the smell of passion", and a few centuries ago from these flowers produced potent means a beneficial effect on male potency. You can choose other colors, the smell of which produces a similar effect.