Sex - the most pleasant remedy problems

Sex - the most pleasant remedy problems
 Sex - a pleasant experience, which not only improves your health, but also the mood. More recently, scientists have found that lovemaking helps get rid of many diverse problems.

In ancient times it was known that sex helps with many diseases. Today is known about him so much more. Mood after lovemaking markedly increased. In addition to simple physical satisfaction in the human body is allocated so-called happiness hormone - enforfin. This hormone is greatly uplifting the physical layer, that is, you literally do not need to put any effort to see the world in a rainbow of colors, you only need to relax. Sex - the best way to relieve stress and get rid of depression.

Sex is struggling with any great pain. The fact is that during sex, the body produces a hormone called oxytocin, it is released into the blood. Also, it is a natural substitute for morphine is painkillers. During sex, a woman's body is released estrogen, it helps to reduce pain during the premenstrual period.

As you know, sex - a great tool for weight loss. Firstly, the pulse frequency is increased during sex 2 times, i.e. up to about 150 beats per minute, it can be compared with the pulse weightlifter during lifting rod. Lovemaking for 30 minutes can burn about 150 calories. Daily having sex will help to lose about a kilo a week. Calculate how much you can throw in a month. In this case, you will combine business with pleasure.

Raise the tone of the skin and the body will help sex. During intercourse, involving almost all muscle groups. Lovemaking for 20 minutes equates to 30 minutes of morning exercises. But by charging you are unlikely to be able to get so much pleasure. For women, it is important that during sex, she involved the abdominal muscles, pelvis and hips. This will bring the figure in a full order. Among other things, there is a release of the hormone testosterone, which favorably affects the musculoskeletal system.

Tags: organism, means a problem, sex, favor, impact