Threw? Return!

Threw? Return!
 Left a man - a favorite or not, worthy or not - in any case it is a strong blow to the ego and acute heartache for abandoned women. Why did it happen and how to get a loved one? Any girl or woman to go into a situation starts to ask yourself these questions.

Do not always want to try to recover the lost lover. Sometimes this care - a gift of fate, which thus frees you from unreliable person next. But when the pain of loss still fresh, it can be difficult to understand what lies ahead is good, new appointments, new love. What to do if can not imagine life without it is this man?

The most important thing - try not to torture yourself, relax and learn to tolerate. It often happens that a man covered in a sudden passion for the other, after some time returned themselves. But that such a scenario has become a reality, you need to behave correctly.

In any case not to humiliate, not beg him to come back, do not ask for forgiveness and promise of eternal love and unprecedented concern. If your partner has decided to leave, then he probably someone strong inspirations. A man in love is always cruel to the object former love. Therefore, this will cause your behavior at best, pity, and at worst - neglect. But the partner should respect you if you want to come back in the future love. Nor will and aggression. It only configures the former against you. Better to just let it go without showing visible signs of distress. Believe me, your feelings now he is, alas, uninteresting.

Try to make him believe that you even happy for him. Maintain good relations. This thread will help further gently lure him to his side again. Show that you have a good mood, gently interests of its affairs. About all the information is not immediately put online. Men - owners and very curious. If he sees that you look great and seems pretty, but do not explain the reason, make sure you be interested if there was a number of other. And sometimes jealousy is a good stimulus for the return of relations. In any case, the feeling will not go away completely, a former partner will regularly think of you, and that's good.

You strenuously grasp for themselves. Go to the gym, a beauty salon. Make a new hairstyle, do some shopping, change the image, finally. You can learn some new hobby. For example, sign up for classes of Argentine tango or salsa, start learning languages, but who knows what else. If you become more interesting, expand your horizons, then you will be interested in men much more. And even if your former lover still does not return, must appear next to a new man - a better devotee.

Tags: the man