To determine the size of women's handbags, think about its future appointment. If you are a business woman, constantly forced to carry a lot of documents or laptop, give preference to large capacity bag, like a bag. Not necessarily choose the boring black or brown model, look at the bright bags with an unusual texture of the material, or the original finish. If you are not used to carry around a lot of things, choose for themselves a little original handbag.
Color female bags depends entirely on your personal preferences and your style of dress. If you are a lady, I prefer business style, and your job requires a dress code, prefer a strict bag, made in dark colors. A lover of bright and unusual things, you can choose absolutely any most favorite bag.
When buying women's bags, do not dwell on fashion. If you have a neat appearance tiny, huge, but fashionable, "trunk" is unlikely to be the best one for you.
When choosing a female bags note the shape and length of its handles. Hang the bag on your shoulder, you visually enlarge your breasts. Effect lush hips you can achieve by putting it on a bent arm. A bag, located at arm's length, will attract the attention of others to your feet.
Prefer a woman's bag in which you can easily find the right thing, not shaking all its contents. Very popular among women are models with both internal and external pockets.