The atmosphere in the family and children's anxiety

The atmosphere in the family and children's anxiety
 Your child is constantly worried and asks many questions, capricious and ill punctually, to feel fear on different occasions, and finally he before violent fantasy that he practically lives in a fantasy world. It is possible that all these are signs of increased anxiety.

The main cause of anxiety is restless and unstable atmosphere in the family. Adults often think that the child understands little. However, conflicts between family members, even if they do not relate directly to the child, instill a sense of fear and anxiety. Although children often can not explain in words what frightens them, but the constant quarrels and squabbles can cause serious damage to the fragile psyche.

Constant irritability and discontent actions also improve child anxiety children. If the kid hears daily from her parents: "Leave me alone! Tired already! Come and enjoy a business "," How I'm tired of you! "" You're always all get dirty! "It is not surprising that the child will be excited, suspicious, resentful.

Unstable attitude when today praised for what helped clean the dishes, and the next day on a desire to help ridicule ("Yes, you're still not able to do anything! I still have to redo everything after you ...") leads to the fact that the child disoriented. He no longer knows what is right and what is not, and what to expect next time. Be patient. Often praise and encourage their child.

Increased demands, the desire to always and in all your offspring was the first can lead to disruption, fear and constant worry. Standard situation: parents, grandparents constantly praised and admired child. "You're the most beautiful", "You have such a good girl! At school you will learn the best! "But enrolling in school, the child suddenly discovers for himself that he's not the smartest, not the most beautiful, and even before him no one cares. But parents insist and expect the child only excellent marks, sports victories or talented works. Fear of disappointing parents, fear not cope with its mission (to be always and everywhere to come), leads to stress and high levels of anxiety.

Should not be set too high bar, especially if the child is emotionally unstable and dependent on other people's opinions. Explain that you love him, not for excellent grades or some talents. Whatever happens, to support mothers and fathers can always count.

Tags: fear, family, stress, children, caprice, anxiety, atmosphere