How to set goals and implement plans

How to set goals and implement plans
 Many people have their dreams, desires and aspirations. But most of them did not become a reality. After all, this first of all they should be the goal, which is necessary to achieve the correct approach.
 Many people underestimate the need for proper goal setting to achieve their desires. However, it is the purpose of giving motivation to move forward and to get the result. To put it correctly, it is necessary to understand myself and that is for you the meaning of life that will make you happy. When all the priorities are set in their places, you can go directly to the formulation of a particular purpose. This is something that should exclusively in a positive form.

The best thing would be to write your goal on paper, and to make it more specific, divide it into smaller sub-goals, the implementation of which could become a blueprint towards the implementation of the plan. So, for example, if the goal is a healthy way of life, to achieve it, the role of sub-goals may be proper nutrition (here, too, you can specify how it should be), a visit to the gym so many times a week smoking cessation, and so on . Such a plan can be every day, thinking through what can be done to implement your dreams do not ever then, but today. After drawing up a plan to make it more sophisticated, it is desirable to evaluate each item by and with the help of constructive criticism to correct his faults.

It must be remembered, to be successful, it is important to be willing to win, but only within their capabilities. Do not think that if it's not available here and now - everything is meaningless, because the desire to achieve the desired at all costs can cause stress and spoil everything. You also can not achieve the desired result if the aim is to deliver, but refers to its implementation rather indifferent. The best solution is what is called in psychology "optimum motivation", the essence of which is to moderate motivation. This approach makes it possible to achieve the best results. It should also be borne in mind that it is not necessary to hope that everything on the road to success will be quite smooth, so you need to consider all possible obstacles and advance to prepare him /