Where did the monster?

Where did the monster?
 Usually a woman marries, staying in a deep conviction that her choice - man-knight, the one and only able to protect against all ills, forever love and wear your favorite whole life on his hands. But somehow, over the years, it does not seem ideal. Moreover, seeing it scattered around the house socks, appeared tummy and listening to the snoring at night, you can ask the question: "Where did this monster? »

Joint life - heavy circumstance. It is easy to be in candy buketny period when the whole world seems impossibly beautiful, simply because there are a loved one. It was at this time a cloudless general plans for the future are built with surprising ease. And, of course, want to be together forever.

But the reality is much more cruel and insane passion period should end as the shroud with eye drops, and you begin to notice not the best lover habit: spreading of things around the house, the constant pastime of the computer or another fad, reluctance to shave regularly, ignoring your comments, etc. n. Of course, the most basic solution to the problem - to leave. But still better not to hurry with sharp turns.

First, if a person you are experiencing strong emotions, you do not need them to cross due to the fact that the dream of the perfect pair is not true. In addition, when confidence in reciprocal love, you is not worth it to hurt the second half.

Second, pay attention to his own person. Do not you have any unpleasant habits or character traits? Maybe you're in the home environment becomes very attractive woman wearing a bathrobe and curlers twirling, or often roll up scandals and offended. In general, all of their disadvantages. And if you are not visible, then ask the opinion of a loved one. Perhaps it is also something not satisfied.

Speak the current situation. Try to minimize dissatisfaction with each other. Understand that even if you are bold enough, and will tear the relationship, then after some time to step on the same rake, only this time with another man.

That monster, which appeared in the imagination, and not so scary. In your power to fix it and look at the cute different eyes. Importantly, do not do not accumulate emotions in themselves, so that later, as a bucket of cold water poured on their object the perturbation, and to discuss any issue as soon as it arises.

Tags: problem, attention, life habit, discussion, any monster