And the Enneagram personality types

And the Enneagram personality types
 The Enneagram is able to open the deep motivation of human behavior, but are not limited its simple classification. Trying to tap unconscious beliefs and moral values ​​of the people of the Enneagram method uses them as a resource.

Enneagram - a unique technique because, based on the general terms, it emphasizes the individuality of each person, defining three types of intelligence - an instinctive, emotional and mental, which correspond to the centers of the body, the heart and the head.

Center of the body - Instinctive types (8 - 9 - 1)

Subconsciously, they are guided by the instinctive center. Users of these types of the next pulse of his body and act spontaneously. When the distortion of the functioning of the instinctive center people have difficulty with self-control - anger - aggression - regression.

8. Type of Control - aggression. Attention is directed to the outside world and people. The need to control everything and everyone around. The need to set boundaries, keeping others at a distance. These people are struggling with their weaknesses, aiming to become the strongest. Their anger is directed outward.

9. Type Control - passive aggression. And attention is directed outwards and inwards. The desire to avoid anything that could disrupt their peace. Suppression of their impulses and passive-aggressive attitude towards others. However, their anger is suppressed.

1. Type of Control - aggression. Attention is directed inward. Control your emotions, only a small number can be manifested externally. Increased self-control, along with resistance to external circumstances. Anger suppressed.

Heart Center - Emotional types (2 - 3 - 4)

These types of rules the emotional intelligence. These people are able to focus on other, establishing the closest contact, self-identification occurs through relationships with others. Emotional center creates self-esteem, generates its own dignity and respect for others. Distortion in the center of the heart cause problems with hostility - shame - Comparison - image - self-identification - a positive feedback.

Type 2. Self-identification - evaluation of others. Attention is directed to the outside world and the environment, I want to be helpful. Self-identification is based on the respect of other people, the positive feedback. These people caring seek help to get thanks. Shame suppressed sense of its utility.

Type 3. Image - competition. Attention is directed externally and internally. People manage images of success, a sense of achievement. But for them it is important that other worthy to assess their progress. Subconscious shame suppressed.

4. Type Identity - comparison. Attention is directed inward. Sense of their value and significance based on their own ideas. Self-determination is based on emotions, experiences and fantasies. Identity through the awareness of its uniqueness, consider that if the shame disappears. But the feeling that you're not like the others can lead to particularly painful feelings of shame.

Center head - Types of intellectual mind (5 - 6 - 7)

The following types of personality of intellectual center: these people - owners of outstanding ability of planning, thinking, analysis, is a generator of ideas and knowledge gatherers leading intellectual conversations.
Intellectual center gives a sense of internal control and the vector on which the sense of protection. Distortion of the Centre creates problems, fear - planning - avoidance - the internal dialogue - support - a sense of security.

Type 5. Fear - planning. Attention is directed to the outside world, which is perceived as dangerous and fragile. The desire to understand things and management through knowledge. The search for a safe place where you can indulge in their own thinking. Absolutely conscious fear.

6. Type Analysis - doubt. And attention is directed inward, and the outside world. Anxiety because of the uncertainty itself and the intentions of others. The desire for support and guidance of authoritative personalities and ideas, but distrust it. Fear is usually subconscious and depressed.

7. Type of Ideas - searchlights. Attention is directed inward. The world is perceived as full of possibilities and prospects. Internally compensated frustration entertainment. The reason - a subconscious fear of being alone, with their anxieties. Fear overwhelmed by his avoidance.

Tags: analysis type problem, identity