Pitfalls of decision-making

Pitfalls of decision-making
 Decisions have to be made for everyone. Moreover, it should be done every day, because life is now and then throws up new questions and challenges. However, choose the right one is not easy. After all, it is necessary to properly assess the situation, but also be aware of a few common mistakes.  

According to psychologists, people make decisions based primarily on the data, which he learned at the very beginning. This is the "anchor". Oddly enough, more recent information, authoritative opinions and even their own doubts, have to choose a much smaller effect. This obsession leads to the fact that the arguments on which the decision is based, are not relevant, or not so important, as expected. And this means that the selected option is difficult to call the best.

Subconscious choice

Often people go onto the version that first came to him. In most cases, such a solution is intuitive. Since each inherent subconscious sense of security and, therefore, fear of change, then most likely choice will be made in favor of the option that will keep the situation unchanged. Therefore, the "anchor" do not give a look at the problem from a different angle, view it from all sides, making the focus on a few standard options.

Excess of emotion

The decisions taken in a hurry, often influenced by experiences and emotions. So do not rush to the final selection. A person who has a bad experience, is likely to underestimate the forces and try to play it safe. Arrogance and excessive self-confidence can, on the contrary, lead to a reassessment of existing resources. However, the consequences of the decision may give less optimistic results.

To avoid errors during the important issues, try not to rush into making a decision. Abstracted from the current situation and try to clearly define your goals: how easily achievable and long-term. Think about which option will allow decisions as close as possible to the desired results.

Then should listen to several others points of view, so you will be able to use the experiences of other people. Choose 2-3 options, presents you the most successful, and make a simple analysis. Take a sheet of paper, draw a straight line in the middle. In the first column, write down those likely bonuses, which can bring you all of the options in the other - the necessary costs and possible losses.

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