Modern Cinderella: Who is she?

Modern Cinderella: Who is she?
 A Cinderella Story - one of the most beautiful and touching. At one time, this tale written by Giambattista Basile, and was subsequently retold by the Brothers Grimm and Charles Perrault. All renderings similar to the original - the poor ugly duckling suffering from accusations of his mother, at the end of the tale becomes a princess. Villains punished, good triumphs. Old tale still relevant in our time. But who is she, a modern Cinderella?  

Cinderella was the main occupation of cleanliness and care of the home - the poor girl is ready and wash, clean room nurses and soap stairs. Fortunately, modern Cinderella all these actions can be done with household appliances. Since 1697 (this year Charles Perrault wrote Cinderella) mankind has invented and microwave and washing vacuum cleaner and washing machine. In addition, a modern Cinderella likely to live in a two-room apartment, but not in a huge house. So that the cleaning process will take her far less time than the Cinderella 17th century.

Do not forget that Cinderella had excellent properties of character. She was patient, kind, humble, hard-working, know how to forgive, was obedient and affectionate, loved nature. These qualities may well have a modern girl. Unfortunately, not every girl has a good fairy godmother. Yes, and free princes hunted. And, in most cases, not modest and decent Cinderella and brazen and confident "stepsisters". But if you believe in the dream and do not change yourself, be sure to happen in the life of the same ball where Cinderella will outshine all the evil stepsisters.

It should be noted that not all the princes like complaisant and submissive prostushek. To a modern Cinderella still met her prince, she should not sit at home and look over the lentils. Girl should find something for everyone - to work, study, play sports, dance or get carried away by the Chinese gymnastics. After sitting at home meet Prince is practically impossible - except that found on a dating site. So it is better Cinderella go to the theater. A chance to meet the prince there is much higher.

Any girl can find the Cinderella. No matter - it is a brisk or modest, likes to study or go to the club. Main will always be with her - kindness, honesty, hard work. And most importantly, that these virtues are present in the girl always, and not when the prince appears on the horizon, which is necessary to enchant. And each girl has all chances to become a real princess.

The most striking example of a fairy tale that became a reality - Kate Middleton, wife of Prince William. Family Kate does not belong to the British aristocracy - her parents worked in civil aviation. However, this did not stop Kate to marry the British queen's grandson Prince William.

But do not the girls who dream about the fate of Cinderella, expect a repeat of history, Kate. Single princes there are not many. But your prince may well be a colleague, classmate, or just a casual acquaintance.

And when meeting with a potential prince does not necessarily leave his memory his shoe. You can, for example, leave the first six digits of your phone. =) The main thing - do not leave the honor and dignity!

Tags: story, Cinderella