Usually to find housekeepers easiest to apply to the recruitment agency. Cooperation with them guarantees you a fast search of the necessary candidates, taking into account your requirements and preferences. In addition, a good agency will provide you with a series of guarantees, rights and benefits, will offer several candidates, ensure the availability of special profiles with medical data. Last in the selection of housekeepers also should not be ignored: you never know what kind of disease can bring you into the house of a stranger.
Roughly determine the candidacy, try to personally talk to your potential helper in household matters. Pay attention to her speech, manner of speaking, neatness of dress, temperament, and so on. D. If the alleged sloppy housekeeper dressed, do not look that your home will reign perfect order. Most likely, it will just see it.
The same applies to the culture of speech: from cheeky maid can expect gossip, negative attitudes and unhealthy atmosphere in the house. Usually choosing a neat housekeeper enough mannered woman who copes well not only with their immediate responsibilities, but also correctly refers to all members of the family.
Before taking a maid to his permanent service, it is desirable to agree with her on probation. During this time you will be able to verify its competence and professionalism. Try to keep your assistant strictly business relationship, it will help you not to feel inner discomfort, if you need it to heel or to account for some offense. However, one of the hallmarks of a good housekeeper is precisely its ability to keep your distance and be respectful to your employer.