1. Women vote, but do not make decisions.
Are more likely this error prone young girls. Do not laugh, but many confuse the vote and approval. When a woman holds a "poll" among colleagues, the surrounding perceive it, though she says: "I can not make decisions on their own, I need to know the opinion of all the rest." On the other hand, the coordination of women around the team says: "I have my own point of view on this issue, but I need to know that each spoke." You know, what's the difference? When you start with a discussion of the issue is not about what everyone else thinks, and with the approval of their position, then all at once realize that you are competent, have all the necessary information and are open to suggestions.
2. Women tend to be liked by everyone.
In general, the recognition is equally important for both sexes, but you can not build a career only to a whole range like. The trick here is to keep a healthy balance between good girl and punchy stubborn person. Good girl is vital to learn to express their opinions, and dominant ladies - listen to the views of others. Clearly express their opinions and ideas, but do not forget to give to others to understand their point of view, you too are interested in.
3. Women do not perceive their workplace as a playground.
Despite the fact that each company has its own rules and regulations, the indisputable fact remains that they are. To succeed, you just need to understand what these rules and regulations are. Look to colleagues, who have excelled in corporate games? What are they to do? Just walk in their footsteps and play to the end.
4. Women do not pay enough attention to their appearance.
Surprisingly, female, focus on building a career, often do not realize how important their appearance in the workplace. This is especially true for young employees. Need to learn one very simple principle: dress as though you already occupied the position, which he dreamed. Think about it: you do work for those who have already won the fight office. How are these women are winning? Dress like them, or better.
5. Women are waiting until they are given the floor at meetings.
Many women mistakenly believe that the meetings need to politely wait until they give the word, especially if the room are those who climbed up the ladder. However, you're doing yourself a disservice by not expressing his opinion. Set a task to be at every meeting in the first three speakers. This does not mean that you should certainly give its opinion: sometimes simply ask the right question or support someone else's statement.
6. Women do not argue, and ask.
Rather than submit an opinion or idea in the form of statements, women articulate their thoughts in the form of questions. We are often told that if we ask, not to say that the response to our words will be much softer. Why would a woman need it? In fact, she just does not want to seem bitch. However, not to be confused with the straightness of bitchiness! If, instead of something to say, you are asking those around thinking that you have a problem with self-esteem, and you do not believe in yourself.
7. Women allow themselves to do of scapegoats.
When something goes according to plan, and it is charged with a woman, she rarely can stand up for themselves. If you let others make of yourself a scapegoat, you automatically compromising himself in the eyes of colleagues and lose their respect. But remember, your goal is to prevent tarnish themselves and not to throw mud at someone else.
8. Women use language understatement.
May be. Probably. It seems to be. As if. This kind words reduce the accuracy of what you say. Surely, you do understand that, but do not notice for themselves. Monitor your speech and keep away from such language of the workplace.
9. Women ask permission.
In our society, it so happened that children usually ask permission. Men do not ask, but women are so inclined. By doing so, we project on the role of the child. Try to no one without the need to ask, just get used to inform people about their intentions.
10. Women are economical too.
Perhaps women are excessive frugality at work simply because they pay less. Because of this, it is assumed that a woman is unable to cope with the management of large budgets. Remember this: when a man spends the corporate media, he does not ask for permission, he just politely apologizes and continues to spend according to their stated objectives.