How to prepare it

How to prepare it
 Public performance - this important event, which uttered it should be concise, logical and interesting. Random or regular speech is - in any case, it should be well prepared as information and psychologically.
 Awareness training

Determine the purpose of your speech. What do you expect after the performance? Do you want to educate listeners on any matter, or to motivate them to do anything - specify a goal and write it down.

Break the goal into sub-goals or objectives. The number of tasks depends on the variety of destinations that you will consider the report of the themes and topical issues. Also specify and record the problem.

Build a meaningful plan

Speech contains an introductory part that should be bright, concise and original, and the bulk of the final - with the results or conclusions. No spare and fuzzy information. It will divert and dissipate attention, which will then be difficult to re-focus. Aerobatics content organization - is a logical extreme isolation of parts of the text when the prisoner is returned to the entry, but with processed and analyzed information.


In between the parts of speech content and a whole should be a clear logic, easily defined.

Statistics, facts, visibility

The opportunity to shift attention will be perceived by listeners with gratitude - monotonous action tire nervous system. Reinforce report slides, tables, charts. Such information is more readily used as involving several senses.

Psychological preparation

Confident speaker is more credible and approval than the one that is nervous and can not hide their fear of the public.

The main reason of fear - fear of appearing incompetent in this field, entangled in logic, not in time to find the right words. Homework: If unsure of your knowledge - please read the relevant literature, are afraid that you will forget the words - make a note of it in detail, not just a plan.

Before the performance, do not create additional worry: the delay in the report, conflicts, self-hypnosis failure, etc.

You must set yourself on active action - on whatever topic was no report, it reads a person, not a robot. Be yourself - Motion (moderate), smile, change your attitude. Speak clearly and confidently, loudly and emphatically. Do not be afraid of the audience, because you are a professional.

Tags: report, the audience, the performance