Make an order. It list the topic of the document, which shall comply with the abbreviated week; specify the reason, which may be a change in working conditions, employee medical condition, etc.
Make each person who set up an abbreviated day notice. They should give employees at least two months before the entry into force of the above order. If you agree employees must sign and date. If one of them does not agree with the innovation, the employer must offer them another job, and if such a possibility does not exist, he is entitled to dismiss them, in accordance with article 77 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. Be aware that part-time can be set for a period not exceeding six months.
Notify employment agencies to conduct such a procedure, because the ranks of the unemployed in this connection can be replenished. An employee is entitled after the dismissal to be registered with the labor exchange and receive allowances of before momentv until a suitable job is not found.
With the consent of the employee, make a supplementary agreement to contract. Prescribe them all the conditions laid down for a short period of time. These include: the size of their salaries, the number of hours of the day, as well as the start date and the end of the week abbreviated mode. Spend proper certification agreements.