Gossip makes work for themselves

Gossip makes work for themselves
 Scientists believe that even absurd gossip can harm a person as well as improve its ranking in the eyes of others. Often, it is on their basis make up our opinion of the people, whether it be an artist, president, colleague or boss. Is it possible to use gossip as a tool to help you with your work?  

Yes, if you use them wisely. Gossip will work for you if this will help you colleague. This becomes especially important when you are the leader of a small but collective. Your colleague in necessary situations will be issuing new gossip about you, or so-called "correct" information.

To choose a victim to the intrigues, should pay attention to that employee who has the following characteristics:

• the person is not seeking to make a career, but on the contrary - is afraid of any changes in professional activities. Its quite satisfied with the salary and position, because the main thing for him - this constancy.
• He enjoys confidence and respect in the team. Is in an institution or a beginner, or "veteran".
• amateur worn out language about their colleagues.

And you, in turn, remains to assume the role of a man incapable of intrigue. When you are undecided, then zoom into this gossip to him. Invites him to his office to give instructions. And at the same time sharing with them his plans just as much as it is necessary for the dissemination of information in a team.

Then - look at the result. If the office is agog, savoring the latest gossip about you, then you have hit the mark. And then everything is quite simple: it is necessary to continue to "make friends" with the employee and share gossip with the necessary information. He you news about new trends in the team, and you tell him the news that you want to convey to the masses.

Gossip is actually very useful for:
• Motivation. For example, some of the workers stopped work to pay due attention. A lot of time spent on social networking. In this case it is necessary to put the latest gossip, what you think about the dismissal of the employee. Then its efficiency will increase significantly.
• Design. For example, you are planning a project that changes in work organization. Let it be a rumor, you can find out what difficulties you have to overcome resistance and be able to prepare for them.
• Organization activities. The success of the upcoming event will be obvious, spruce team will be to prepare for it in advance, anticipating his attack.

Use gossip possible and even necessary! But do not forget that the rumors are pretty thin instrument that calls for a careful and thoughtful consideration. After all, this will depend on whether there is a team to trust you, as the leader.

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