
 Cravath (fr. Cravate) - white cambric tie the end of the XVII century, which is a scarf trimmed with lace. Cravath wrapped twice around the neck and the ends tossed one over the other. Later than the end became simply hide overboard coat. Cravath in vogue in France, and later became widespread throughout Europe. Title ...
 Cravath (fr. Cravate) - white cambric tie the end of the XVII century, which is a scarf trimmed with lace. Cravath wrapped twice around the neck and the ends tossed one over the other. Later than the end became simply hide overboard coat. Cravath in vogue in France, and later became widespread throughout Europe. The name comes from the word "Croat": a model adopted from the tie was held in the personal protection of King Louis XV of the Hungarians, who were called "royal Croats." Cravath subsequently became known as the wide tie.