
 Sweatshirt - warm, mainly breeches clothing that covers the arms and torso. Sweatshirts for production use mainly natural and light fabrics, but is allowed and the use of synthetic fabrics. It is assumed that the word "sweatshirt" is derived from the Italian word «fofa», which translates as "warm, soft." Ancestor sweatshirts, likely was warm (padded), quilted ...
 Sweatshirt - warm, mainly breeches clothing that covers the arms and torso. Sweatshirts for production use mainly natural and light fabrics, but is allowed and the use of synthetic fabrics.
It is assumed that the word "sweatshirt" is derived from the Italian word «fofa», which translates as "warm, soft." Ancestor sweatshirts, likely was warm (padded), Asian quilted robe.
In old Russia called sweatshirt and undershirt and upper warm clothes. Sweatshirts made of wool, flannel, cotton, they were short and long, quilted and knit.
Nowadays, sweatshirts call and warm underwear and knitted t-shirt with long sleeves and knitted sweaters.