
 In the process of teasing from smooth fabrics obtained fustian, flannel, bike and cloth fleece. These materials are used for the production of winter clothing because they are more likely to retain heat. Fluffy soft cover on the tissue is obtained by pulling from the weft threads of fine fibers. The surface material is treated with special rollers Sardon Machines Static. They revolve on ...
 In the process of teasing from smooth fabrics obtained fustian, flannel, bike and cloth fleece. These materials are used for the production of winter clothing because they are more likely to retain heat. Fluffy soft cover on the tissue is obtained by pulling from the weft threads of fine fibers. The surface material is treated with special rollers Sardon Machines Static. They rotate at a high speed by pulling the needle through the fabric strip of yarn individual fibers.

Bouffant going in a certain direction and order. The density and thickness of it depends on the composition of fabrics, weaving its way, humidity, severity and frequency of the needles on the tape, napping on the set mode.