Tabarra (ital. Tabarro - warm cloak, heavy cloak) - winter top menswear cut free, widespread in Italy in the XV-XVI centuries. We cover resembles a short cloak, instead of short sleeves has polupeleriny. In the XV century tabarra were smart clothes and put them only on solemn occasions. The word "tabarra" in Italy as a long time designated cloaked, masked man. In Giacomo Puccini has a one-act opera of the same name - «Il Tabarro».
Tabarra (ital. Tabarro - warm cloak, heavy cloak) - winter top menswear cut free, widespread in Italy in the XV-XVI centuries. We cover resembles a short cloak, instead of short sleeves has polupeleriny. In the XV century tabarra were smart clothes and put them only on solemn occasions. The word "tabarra" in ...