
 Petit-Pointe (petit point - «a small stitch") - and the French word has several meanings. Thus, for example, called Viennese evening bag with embroidery in the form of a color figure or a floral pattern, made a cross. Also Petit Pointe - this is one of the most controversial techniques stitch. Usually, it is compared to the half-cross. And really ...
 Petit-Pointe (petit point - «a small stitch") - and the French word has several meanings. Thus, for example, called Viennese evening bag with embroidery in the form of a color figure or flower drawings made cross. Also Petit Pointe - this is one of the most controversial techniques stitch. Usually, it is compared to the half-cross. And indeed, if you look at the embroidery, in the technique of Petit-Pointe on the front side, it will be difficult for the naked eye to distinguish from the same embroidery, but made half-cross. However it is necessary to look at the wrong side - and the differences are pretty well marked. Petit Pointe necessarily requires oblique rather than vertical stitches from the inside. According to the canons of this technique should embroider a 3 strand 22 minutes canvas. Wrong Side of embroidery as a result it seems more dense. It seems as if the work embroidered woven. Thus, we achieve more realistic, three-dimensional image smoothness perehlodov. In addition, this technique avoids the traditional half-cross stitch distortions. It's not so important to work to pull on the frame, but is suitable for tapestries or spetsialdny gobelin stitch or petit-Pointe.