
 Color - is the quality of the environment, which is perceived visually. Depending on the physical properties of the material body, resulting in reflection and refraction of light rays eye perceives different hues. Important characteristics of color - its brightness, saturation, lightness, etc. Color perception not only helps to navigate in the environment, but also has ...
 Color - is the quality of the environment, which is perceived visually. Depending on the physical properties of the material body, resulting in reflection and refraction of light rays eye perceives different hues. Important characteristics of color - its brightness, saturation, lightness, etc.

Color perception not only helps to navigate in the environment, but also has an aesthetic load. Therefore, people tend to use color in the work, creativity and everyday life. The color of dress can show the mood or character of a person is a good way samovyrazhniya. How a person selects and combines color also makes it possible to judge his sense of taste and ability to be creative.