To represent a "codpiece" in other languages used words in English and Dutch sodpiece, German Schamkapsel, French braguette, Spanish coquilla etc. In the Russian-language history of costume codpiece is an element of the XIV century knight's armor that covered and protects the groin, which had a triangular or rectangular shape. The same word denotes a special pocket or bag semblance of soft quilted fabric, sewn to the front trouser leg and designed to protect and accommodate the male genitalia. In the XV century the increase of the details of the costume became fashionable among the nobility, wealthy citizens. Western European dandies wore a codpiece handkerchiefs, purses, adding the amount of natural "crown." Hypertrophied left protruding codpieces of European fashion to the end of the XVI century completely, while in Russia did not appear at all.
Codpiece, Gylfi (from the Dutch gulp - «valve blade") - in Russia of the XVIII century was the name of the item of men's trousers sewn in front and to mask the connection leg. Later - the front part of trousers, fastened to his belt. Modern codpiece - detail trousers, including hidden and concealed zipper (with hooks, buttons, "lightning") front. Sometimes it ...
Codpiece, Gylfi (from the Dutch gulp - «valve blade") - in Russia of the XVIII century was the name of the item of men's trousers sewn in front and to mask the connection leg. Later - the front part of trousers, fastened to his belt. Modern codpiece - detail trousers, including hidden and concealed zipper (with hooks, buttons, "lightning") front. Sometimes just called flap covered zipper on a coat or cloak. Codpiece (with zipper or not) on the pants and men's pants appeared in the second decade of the last century, after the First World War.