A piece of the sky in the new watch Chanel J12 Moonphase

 Chanel continues to delight fans of their watches J12. At this time, the design of this model appeared lunar calendar.

To land on the moon dreaming in the '60s. To do this, build a rocket, stormed space and hoisting the flag of the United States in the lunar soil. Today dreamers use the principle of "bird in the hand is better than two in the bush" and placed the Earth's moon in one form or another for yourself. Chanel, for example, has created a collection of watches J12 Moonphase lunar calendar on the dial. It iconic model J12, which is issued for 10 years, supplemented by 31 days, arranged in a circle, and a mini-dial depicting the phases of the moon. Material for the latter served as a dark blue aventurine stone resembling designers Chanel southern night sky with sparkling stars. Works of art of watchmaking in black and white ceramic frame can already be purchased in stores Chanel.

A piece of the sky in the new watch Chanel J12 Moonphase

A piece of the sky in the new watch Chanel J12 Moonphase

A piece of the sky in the new watch Chanel J12 Moonphase

A piece of the sky in the new watch Chanel J12 Moonphase

In addition, the collection includes 25 J12 Moonphase copies titanium diamond case and 5 models that are completely covered with baguette-cut diamonds. It is surprising that a piece of the moon jewelers French brand did not bother to be forged into a new model of hours.

A piece of the sky in the new watch Chanel J12 Moonphase

A piece of the sky in the new watch Chanel J12 Moonphase