
 Hurstut - part of the traditional costume of the Finno-Ugric peoples, which is Zapashny skirt. This article of clothing consisted of three panels, which are fixed to the body by means of a belt. It is noteworthy that the fabric is not routed side seams. Usually performed hurstut of striped woolen or linen, with strips arranged vertically ...
 Hurstut - part of the traditional costume of the Finno-Ugric peoples, which is Zapashny skirt. This article of clothing consisted of three panels, which are fixed to the body by means of a belt. It is noteworthy that the fabric is not routed side seams. Usually performed hurstut of striped woolen or linen, with strips placed both vertically and horizontally.

A variation is a non-crosslinked hurstut skirt on the strap that is worn across the shoulder. This article of clothing is a type sundress.

This type of clothing is virtually disappeared by the beginning of the 19th century, now this skirt style can be seen only in museums of natural history of Karelia.