
 Sharavony - a men's trousers that were relevant in the second half of the XVI century. They are also often called Hose or pants stuffed as they had cuts, under which there is a special lining. The most widely used is the pants found among German and Swiss mercenaries soldiers. However, in the Czech Republic to sharavonam treated too ...
 Sharavony - a men's trousers that were relevant in the second half of the XVI century. They are also often called Hose or pants stuffed as they had cuts, under which there is a special lining. The most widely used is the pants found among German and Swiss mercenaries soldiers. However, in the Czech Republic to sharavonam treated too negative, considered them to be eccentric, but because wearing these pants were banned. There was a special document under which provides for special punishment for anyone who dares to wear a suit offensive.