Psychology of human altruism

Psychology of human altruism
 What is the psychology of altruism? Until now, scientists did not address the issue as to how the world was born altruistic behavior, which seemingly accepts no benefit to those who selflessly help others. But a closer look reveals that altruism is beneficial not only to those who help, but most help.

Evolutionary biology is still not resolved the question of how the world's harsh survival appeared altruistic behavior. But numerous experiments and examples of observation of the animals and insects under natural conditions have shown that for some types of altruism is natural. Vividly altruism expressed in insects and animals with social life system, for example, bees or wasps. For them is perfectly normal to help the closest relatives, the gene structure of which approximately identical gene composition of the altruist. People - as social creatures, so the psychology of altruism they have including biological foundation.

Perhaps this is due to the fact that, seeing as akin to being gets into trouble, any other creature feels discomfort, because this situation in some way and is threatening to him. The fact that someone is in trouble, helpless, suggests that in such a situation, it may be one. People feel more uncomfortable, as they have the consciousness that will not allow them to quickly forget about the troubles of others, switch to something else. Thus, altruism - is an example of social behavior, strengthens the structure and well-being of society.

Also, the scientists observed that the psychology of human altruism has its own characteristics, is not peculiar to any other species. These features are due to the way of life of modern man. Many of us in the pursuit of better living conditions become selfish, forgetting how hard sometimes have someone around us. Because any charity and help make a person capable neighbors reconsider their attitude to their own lives, especially when it came to a standstill.

Altruists are much less stress on the whole is more optimistic and quiet people. Anyone who is able to help others in a critical situation, and when this assistance, it would seem, does not promise any good help, in fact, gets an important life experience. Altruists know that it is impossible to control everything yourself. Sooner or later, it may happen that the circumstances will be stronger than us. But no matter how they were formed, can always find someone who can help in a hopeless situation.

A striking example of this - donated blood. People around the world are in the reception centers of blood to help someone whom they do not know and will never know. Other donating their organs in case of death of those whom they also do not know.

Tags: psychology, behavior, altruism, altruistic