How to restore reputation

How to restore reputation
 For the business person a good reputation - this value, the value of which is difficult to overestimate. Losing her, at the same time you can lose and excellent work and circle of friends, and faith in himself. Restore the reputation is much more difficult than to win. How can this be done?
 Universal way to restore the reputation does not exist. In each case, you need to select a combination of methods, the most appropriate for the situation.

If your mistakes have been made public, and reputation has suffered greatly, the worst thing you can do is to try to shift the blame, or go to the conflict. When colleagues or business partners are opposed to you to convince them under pressure fail. Another thing, if your reputation has suffered due to the fault of someone else, but in that case you should be in the hands of iron proof.

Tell the truth and obey. Explain what your intentions were not bad. Very often, people are going to meet a man to admit his mistakes. Especially that withholding information may result in further harm. Confessing, you can offer a way out of this situation and at least partially compensate for the damage.

Sometimes compromising circumstance you can be quite small and does not affect business, but at the same time - unpleasant. For example, your not quite decent behavior at corporate. In this case, you can try to restore the reputation, distracting attention from himself. It will be good if in this case you will help others. Certainly in a large company will find a lot of topics for conversation and besides you.

You can restore the reputation and piecemeal. For example, you have brought a few business partners. Try to build a relationship with him, prove that it will not happen again. Naturally, you should not rely on instant results, but over time it will begin to trust you, and the other looked at him, too, to resume relations.

Try to compensate you created negative positive things. For example, if you have broken the conclusion of an important contract, try to restore relations with the business partner or find an alternative client.

Persuade the boss trust you serious matter. The main thing - that it brought a quick and positive results. When the project is implemented, you will not be able to reproach irresponsibility and lack of business skills.

Catching the restoration of reputation, make it a rule to continuously improve its operations, to find new solutions. And the more benefits you bring, the faster your error will be forgotten in the past.

Despite the large number of ways to help restore the reputation, it is a long and unpleasant job. It is better to take care of it initially.

Tags: reputation, reputation