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Men and women
Psychological problems of obesity
Obesity is associated with social prejudices, as well as dissatisfaction with their appearance. Obesity can lead to low self-esteem and depression.
Respiratory disease in obesity
Obesity impairs the performance of the respiratory and makes breathing difficult job.
On average, 70% of people with sleep apnea syndrome (repeated cessation of breathing during sleep) are obese. Almost always, they observed snoring, as well as fatigue and pain in the heart - the result of being overweight.
Cardiovascular disease in obesity
This includes coronary insufficiency, stroke and other related diseases. Even if vec only 10% higher than normal, which in principle can not be considered obese, the likelihood of death from cardiovascular disease is increasing, due to decades established a strong link between overweight, obesity and heart disease. It is believed that obesity itself is a risk factor, as well as enhanced exposure and other risk factors on the occurrence of cardio - vascular diseases, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, abdominal obesity and insulin resistance (the inability of the cells to break down glucose and it accumulates).
Insulin-dependent diabetes
Link between diabetes type 2 and overweight, obesity is very strong. For example, obese women who are obese, 30-55 risk of developing the disease is 40 times greater than that of women with mass index less than 22 and not overweight. In research surveys indicate that 64% of men and 74% women diabetes could be prevented if their body mass index did not exceed 25 and they would not suffer from obesity.
Hormonal disorders in obesity
Obesity svyazannos various hormonal abnormalities, including insulin resistance (prediabeticheskoe condition in which the body needs more insulin to regulate blood glucose). Obesity leads as well to an increased release of cortisol and growth hormone levels decrease. In men, obesity, testosterone levels can drop; in women, obesity, levels of progesterone Yan - decreases and testosterone levels rise. With obesity develop dishormonal disorders that can threaten impotence, menstrual irregularities, and others.
Obesity increases the risk of developing hypertension, and the effect of high blood pressure in the complete adult obese people, almost three times higher than those with normal weight. High pressure, particularly when obesity is also a risk factor for heart disease.
Bad blood lipid characteristics of obesity
As blood contains fats (lipids) in the form of triglycerides and cholesterol. Obesity is associated with a reduction in the level of "good cholesterol" in the blood, increased levels of "bad cholesterol" and raise the level of triglycerides, which in turn leads to heart disease and atherosclerosis.
Gallbladder disease
Obesity increases the risk of pancreatitis, gallstones and gallbladder cancer. Even a small overweight, obesity may increase the risk of gallstones.
Cancer of the colon, rectum, gallbladder and pancreas, liver and kidney cancer is more common in overweight people, people who are overweight, obese. In one large study of 750,000 people were followed for 12 years, and mortality from cancer in obese men was greater by 33%, and in obese women by 55%.
Abdominal obesity
Abdominal obesity (fat deposition in the abdomen), in particular, is a risk factor for various diseases and premature death. For example, some studies found even closer link with diabetes than in the general obesity and abdominal obesity is closely associated with insulin resistance. People with abdominal obesity higher risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension than in those with the deposition of fat on the thighs and buttocks. Abdominal obesity is also associated with an increased risk of hormone-dependent cancers, especially breast cancer, ovarian dysfunction and sleep apnea
Lower back pain
Overweight and obesity lead to increased stress on the joints, muscles, back and thighs and the resulting pain in the back. The risk of these pain increases with the weight with increasing body weight.
Arthritis and gout
Symptoms of osteoarthritis, especially in the knees, as a whole is enhanced in people who are overweight and complete, with obesity. While some of this can be attributed to excessive consumption of fats and changes in metabolism, it seems that the main reason - the mechanical load due to overweight, obesity. Gout - a form of arthritis that affects the individual joints, usually the thumb, and the risk of its occurrence have more people who are overweight, obese.
Women and Obesity
Breast Cancer
Obesity, particularly abdominal obesity, increase the risk of breast cancer in postmenopausal period. Weight gain, and obesity in adults is associated with increased risk of breast cancer.
Problems with ovulation
Due to obesity may disrupt ovulation that women significantly reduces the chances of getting pregnant.
Polycystic ovaries
Obesity can cause the appearance of cysts in the ovaries, which is almost 20% of cases leads to infertility and other negative phenomena; Weight loss can help reduce their adverse impact.
Hormone-dependent cancer, obesity
As in the case of breast cancer, the risk of cancer of the endometrium, ovary, uterus and cervix more obese obese women, although there is no consensus on how great this risk.
Men and obesity
Prostate Cancer
There is evidence that in obese people, men who are obese, more risk of prostate cancer.