Night appetite

 What makes a woman watching over her figure, hard to follow a diet throughout the day, closer to the night suddenly lose all his willpower and rush to the fridge? If uncontrollable desire to eat in the evening (or night) - your weak spot, then these tips will help you gain control of himself.

Strange, is not it? In the afternoon, we can show the wonders of exposure, there is only a healthy, low-calorie food, but it's worth the evening came as willpower suddenly evaporates, and by the time bedtime we begin to empty the fridge.

So what happens to us in the evenings? For many years, scientists thought that eating at night is strongly reflected in our weight, because at that time our body can not recycle as many calories.

But, as we are assured British experts, it does not matter what time of day you get those calories. The thing is that the "stop signal" that tells our body that it is full, night work is worse than during the day, and fans of small nocturnal feasts, as a rule, much overeat.

In addition, if the day you hold yourself and ate little and irregular, the evening is likely to reward yourself for deprivation dense and hearty meal. And if the "brake" does not work, you, without even noticing, risk absorb a lot of extra calories.

After the daily worries and stress we relax and our willpower relax with us. Researchers at the National Institutes of Health found that the levels of self-control in people above all in the morning, after a full sleep, but during the day it is gradually reduced.

There are some interesting evidence that darkness itself can affect our exposure. Research conducted by psychologists from the University of California, showed that in broad daylight people no longer look after themselves and their actions, but if the room reigns dusk - tend to relax.

Thus, comfortably ensconced in the shadows of the TV with a box of biscuits, a bag of chips, nuts or chocolate, you lose control of himself and with ease can eat the whole box.

Do you tend to the night gluttony?

One person out of a hundred and more than 20% of people with serious problems of violation of weight suffer from the condition, accompanied by a deep depression known as syndrome of night eating.

 "People who suffer from this syndrome, eat very little during the day, and consume 80% of total calories, especially carbohydrates and sugar, after seven o'clock in the evening" - explains Dr David Haslam. "But after midnight, they raid the fridge, consuming more calories than their bodies need."

Other symptoms include anorexia morning - the morning there is reluctance, guilt during meals and frequent waking at night to eat.

8 ways to deal with them

Plan the amount of food a day. Try to use at least two-thirds of the daily calories before dinner. And dinner before - because the more you postpone it, the hungrier you become.

If you know of his habit to eat at night, prepare yourself a low-calorie snack before bedtime. Make it a rule to brush your teeth immediately after a meal - as a symbolic gesture that your mouth is closed for the night.

Always eat at the table and focus on process. Do not read or watch TV at the same time, even if you only snacks in.

Chew slowly. Your stomach needs some time to "understand" that you have something to eat, and if you eat too fast, you can eat too much before you feel full.

Monitor the consumption of alcohol. First, alcohol - a mass of extra calories, and secondly, it weakens your self-control and fueling appetite. The study British Journal of Nutrition found that people, drink a glass of wine dinner, ate more than those who drank water or tea.

Avoid culinary temptations. On the way home, try not to look at bakeries and pastry shops.

If watching TV is chewing reflex - not watching TV, or think of something else to do for a while watching a program - ironed, knit, or - even better - to pedal the bike. It will be easier if you plan an evening class in advance.

If overeating - a consequence of stress. If the food for you - a kind of compensation for a hard day, find other ways to relieve stress - take a walk, do some yoga or take a relaxing bath.

Go to bed earlier. So you will avoid unnecessary hours of torment in the refrigerator, and along with sleep enough, because lack of sleep directly leads to weight gain. University of Chicago scientists found that people nedosypaet lower levels of leptin - the hormone responsible for the feeling of satiety, and a high level of ghrelin, which causes the feeling of hunger.

According to the results of another study, those who slept only five or six hours a night, more actively produced ghrelin (hunger hormone) and decreased production of leptin (a hormone, giving a feeling of satiety) than in those who enjoy a full eight-hour sleep.

7 things that do not recommended

1. Lose weight too quickly. Reduce the number of calories derived, at first glance, is a good idea, and indeed, you will lose weight quickly, but, alas, he will be back soon. Drastic weight loss in the first week of the diet is mainly due to water loss and weight regain, as soon as you Nachet eat normally.

Too low calorie diet can cause a lack of essential substances in the body, and, last but not least, do not help to change your eating habits, and this - the only way to weight loss and control them for a long time. Stick slow, sustained weight loss not more than 1 kg per week.

2. Give up at the first difficulties. Do not worry if something did not happen. Ups and downs - it's natural, and no one was prepared to withstand food restrictions with ease. Farewell Statement mistakes, learn from mistakes, gather and ... continue.

3. To get involved in fad diets. Such diets promise quick results, and is usually based on any single product, whether or grapefruit cabbage soup.

But nutritionists believe that the subject of such a diet will be alternating reduction and weight gain. A study conducted last year

British Dietetic Association found that 30% of people within a few weeks after the failure of diet gained weight significantly higher than their natural, and, according to scientists, it happens because of these diets. The only way to lose weight - it's slow and steady lose those extra pounds.

4. Skip meals. It's tempting, and it seems reasonable, but we have shown that it is more likely to help you to gain weight than to lose it. If you miss, such as breakfast, the day will not be able to resist the hearty lunch. It is better to have little and often, than at the end of the day lose control and overeat. Note that successfully grown thin women eat about five times per day.

5. Resist the temptation. Willingness to confront them - one of the rules of successful weight loss. Take your low-calorie something to eat at work, or calmly walk past a display of cakes. Carefully plan the purchase of food, do not forget about their weaknesses and then you will be able to stay and do not buy too much.

6. Indulge in pleasures. It is important to eat as you can sustain for a long time - months or even years. Impossible and unnecessary to ever indulge in chocolate or candy, this practice will inevitably lead to failure of the diet. So let yourself sometimes a little of what I enjoy more, and enjoy it.

7. Neglect physical activity. Eat less and you lose weight. But if you will not be there to play sports, then together with lose body fat and some muscle tissue. The more muscle mass, the higher the metabolic rate. Even while resting muscle cells burn twice as many calories than fat, and during sports - many times over.

Tags: appetite