Benefits of green tea

Benefits of green tea
 Green tea - a natural product with antioxidant properties, improves mood and well-being. The drink contains a lot of vitamins, trace elements, minerals and rich in essential oils and plant proteins. Daily consumption of green tea helps to significantly prolong youth and longevity.  

Green tea is produced without the oxidation process or technology weak oxidation. This is what allows you to save the maximum benefit, present in fresh leaves, but significantly extend the shelf life of leaflets. When you purchase you should always look the date of packaging and buy only the tea that most fresh.

Daily consumption of green tea reduces the risk of developing malignant tumors in a few times, helps to quickly cope with colds and viral infections, strengthens the immune system and is recommended as a prophylactic agent during epidemics of influenza and SARS. Also used when there is insufficient digestion after eating disorders and eating fatty fried foods. Widely used in alcohol intoxication, poisoning with substandard products, kills pathogenic intestinal flora and promotes the growth of beneficial bacteria.

Green tea contains a small amount of caffeine and it can be used for children, pregnant women, persons with heart disease and other diseases where reception is contraindicated caffeinated beverages. B vitamins contained in green tea in it's entirety, ie B1, B6, B12, helps to prevent the effects of stress, improve mood and the body's resistance in adverse psychological situation.

5 cups of tea a day can keep performance at the highest level, as it does not cause a spike in pressure, in contrast to the use of coffee. Replacing coffee with green tea can without too much caffeine to be in good shape.

Green tea has the ability to warm the body in cold weather and refreshing in hot. The drink is delicious both hot and cold. With a diet with reduced calorie green tea supports the operation due to saturation of the body with vitamins, minerals, trace elements, as well as vegetable protein. Eating drink green tea can easily withstand the toughest of any diet and lose a significant amount of excess adipose tissue.

Should eat only freshly brewed beverage as 10-15 minutes a lot of vitamins and oxidized tea becomes less useful.

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