Step by step

 Step - in English "step". As a kind of step aerobics was invented by the famous American instructor Gina Miller: After a knee injury she developed for themselves an individual set of exercises as a simulator using an ordinary ladder rung.

In our time, step aerobics - one of the most popular areas of fitness, based on one way or another are just steps. Special step (Stepping Platform), whose height is adjusted according to the desired degree of stress on the muscles - an indispensable attribute of a workout. For exercises on the shoulder girdle used expanders, balls and dumbbells.

Coaching is not for the weak

Hour sessions steppe takes the same amount of energy as a 20-kilometer distance, if overcome it running. But the difference in the emotions is very significant: if running - employment monotonous and dull, during the step-workout bored impossible. Change of rhythm, music and movement (simple steps, jumps, turns, throws down, dance elements, and so on - there are more than 200 ways to ascending and descending on the step platform!) Turns into a fascinating lesson kaleidoscope of impressions, with more than compensate for the difficulty of training .

There are several varieties of tap dance. For beginners in fitness clubs usually offer a special course step beginners - training low intensity. After passing it, you can move on to more intensive training for advanced and advanced. The main difference in the length and complexity of the aerobic stepper movements. Beginners are usually not immediately possible to keep up with the instructor, the movement seems too fast and complex. Therefore, the first step is to have patience.

Compared with other types of fitness step has several advantages. Successfully combining elements of cardio and strength training, it provides a sufficiently rapid weight loss, the harmonious development of all the muscles, forming a beautiful posture. Step improves the shape of the feet effectively removes cellulite develops coordination and well coached heart muscle.

Home step-Hall

Step aerobics - one of many types of fitness that can be practiced at home. After all the equipment necessary for a full workout, simple, and you can come up with on their own motion, improvising according to their own desires. But in order to achieve maximum effect, without harming the health, it is better to consult with the instructor or to use a special video course.

Selecting a platform for training is very important, it affects not only the efficiency but also safety training. Its length varies from 1 to 1, 5 meter and an optimal width - from 40 to 60 centimeters. It is desirable to select a platform, the height of which is changed: in this way it will be possible to regulate the muscle load. Homemade platforms use undesirable - faulty design could cause serious injury during training. It is essential that the step was stable, had a reliable contact with the floor, and its surface is not slipping.

Shoes Sports steppe need convenient and comfortable. You can not do in the socks or the Czech. The best option - sneakers.

To get the maximum benefit and avoid injury, you must follow a few important rules:

- One and a half hours before training do not eat;
- 20-30 minutes before the workout you need to drink a glass of water; between exercises you can drink only a little, sip;
- Step on the platform you need the whole foot, not the toe or heel;
- Rise at the expense of the legs rather than your back;
- To maintain balance, the body while stepping movements need to keep straight;
- The knee of the supporting leg should not go beyond the line of the nose, otherwise you may get injured.

Experience maximum enjoyment from exercise helps music. Music should be fast and rhythmic. If you do not like the one that accompanies this video, simply turn off the sound of the TV, put the disc with your favorite dance hits, and enjoy!

Olga Egorova