Special exercises will help to move comfortably the longest flight.
Advises Vladimir V. Anisimov - head coach of the women's soccer team, brilliantly won the European Championship in the class futsal.
Exercises before the start
Before takeoff - breathing exercises: Conveniently located in the chair, his nose to make ten deep breaths. When the plane started to take off, ten deep breaths mouth, exhaling through the nose. During exercise the back should be straight, head - lie comfortably on the headrest.
Charging after takeoff
When the plane gained altitude, do exercises that will help you relieve tension in muscles and joints:
Maximum stretch your legs and arms and stretch 5-6 times;
10 times compress and unclench his fists;
Make 5 slow rotations wrists with outstretched fingers;
lift the bent leg, clasped her hands under her knee, and rotate the foot 10 times. Repeat with the other leg.
Exercise during the flight
Basically it by stretching the chest, which should be repeated 5-7 times every hour:
hands raised up, fingers intertwined - stretch, pulling the stomach and stroking his chest;
fingers hook the lock on the back of the head, elbows divorced and reach to the back of the chair. Take a deep breath, straightened up to the chest, the blade would be headed towards each other, and the spine sag;
turn his whole body to the right, put both hands on the right arm of his chair and took a deep breath, slowly turn your head to the left. Repeat on the other side;
Get bent right arm behind your head, the hand touches the left shoulder, and slowly bend, stretching to the left. The same exercise - in the opposite direction;
put his hand on the lower ribs on the sides, and slowly inhale through your nose, feeling his hands as your chest is expanded.
Before planting
At the end of the flight should prepare your body for planting: slow and relaxed tilt your head to the left shoulder, is retained in this position for a few seconds and slowly raises his head. Then the same relaxed reception lowers his head forward on his chest and then - to the right shoulder.
The second exercise - hands to pull up, take a deep breath to breath and wide yawn. Each exercise is repeated 5 times. These simple exercises will help you to move comfortably anyone longest flight. And you do not need to spend precious days of the fact that the rest of the flight.
Charging on board the aircraft
A simple "Summer" will make charging pressure drops during air travel less noticeable. Starting position for all exercises is one: sitting in the passenger seat liner. By the way, this is a great position for gymnastics. In Old Slavonic methods of sanitation complex "seat" in which muscle stretching exercises performed in a relaxed position, sitting on the stove and on the bench, helping save power and strength Ilya Muromets and his "team" of heroes
Tags: charge, plane, Vladimir, board, futsal